Makeup For Acne-prone Skin: How Can You Do It?

Acne is a prevalent skin condition that affects both men and women. From stress to poor lifestyle choices, a variety of factors can contribute to acne, which can be bothersome and difficult to treat.

So, in this article, we will talk about makeup for acne-prone skin. Let’s go then.

❖ I have acne! Is It Acceptable to Wear Makeup?
This is the first question that every lady with acne-prone skin has.
The short answer is that you can wear makeup, but you should pick it wisely. Some makeup can aggravate acne. When this occurs, you get a kind of acne known as acne cosmetica. Even women who rarely have acne might gain acne cosmetica because of applying makeup.

❖ What to Look for in Oily and Acne-Prone Skin Makeup

Before you attempt a bronzer, highlighter, or tinted moisturizer made for oily or acne-prone skin, there are a few things to think about.
● Non-comedogenic or oil-free label- Read the label before purchasing makeup products for acne-prone or oily skin. To avoid blocked pores and skin irritation, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends looking for cosmetics products that say “oil-free” and “non-comedogenic” on the label.

● Important Ingredients- The top in the list are salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, minerals, and  vsulfur, which can help minimize stubborn breakouts and skin irritation.

● Ingredients to Avoid- Cetearyl alcohol and silicone derivatives should be avoided since they might cause acne. Certain alcohols included in makeup, such as cetearyl alcohol and oleyl alcohol, are occlusive. Lanolin, silicone compounds (such as dimethicone and siloxanes), and petroleum [or] petrolatum are also harmful to acne-prone skin.

● Precautions- When choosing cosmetics for oily and acne-prone skin, it’s also a good idea to consult with your dermatologist about your skincare regimen. It is important to consult them to verify that any product or component that comes into contact with your skin is safe and will not aggravate your acne.

❖ Other Important Makeup Tips For Such Skin

● Skin preparation- Begin with a clean face before applying makeup. Wash your hands, then gently apply a gentle cleanser to your face using your fingertips. Rinse well with lukewarm water. Apply an acne treatment in the morning after cleaning your face, and then follow with a sunscreen-containing moisturizer.

● Use makeup applicators instead of your fingers, which can transfer oil from your fingertips to your face- Instead, apply makeup directly to your skin with makeup applicators such as brushes. Because makeup brushes gain product residue, grime, oil, and germs, wash them with soap and water every seven to ten days to avoid fresh acne outbreaks.

● Remove your makeup, particularly eye makeup, before going to bed- Use an oil-free makeup remover and then wash your face with a mild cleanser. Even while removing makeup, avoid scrubbing your face. If you use an acne medication at night, use it after cleaning and then follow with a non-comedogenic moisturizer.

Final Take
We hope you found the information above useful. However, these are only a few explanations. You can get more information and insight on this from Houston Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Services.

With our world-class makeup artists and hairstylists in Houston, we want to help you feel confident in your makeup and be the best version of yourself (US).